Monday, August 1, 2011

Nice to meet you

Scarlet Eva Svay
8/1/11 5:41pm
7 pounds 13 ounces 20 inches long


Holly and Dave said...

that face just melts my heart. I'm so happy for you and your family- what a perfect little addition to an already wonderful group!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww, she is so adorable! CONGRATS!! I am so proud of my Lana and I wish that I was in Utah so I could come see you and meet her in person. Love ya!!

Lorilee said...

I can not wait to meet that sweet little bundle.
hope everything is going good for you.

sara, ryan, and lucy said...

She is amazingly adorable and I LOVE her name. One of my favorites! Congratulations. Having two girls is the BEST! Hope you get back into the swing of things soon!

Chelsea said...

Oh what a beauty. I love those chubbers! Nothing like cute baby cheeks. Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Oh she is so beautiful! Congratulations!

Lauren said...

What a beauty! Congratulations!

Anna said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!

Lindsey said...

Pretty much the most gorgeous baby ever!

Vali Beiramzadeh said...

hello those are very beauty. I love those chubbers! Nothing like cute baby cheeks. Congratulations!
you can find me on

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