Another Jazz game meant another night at home. Which was fine by me because this time I came prepared!
This is what I made while D and I watched the game together. They were really easy and I can't wait to she what she looks like in them.

I don't mind if I do call myself "foxy." A woman at work said to look at the weight gain as my induction into this elite club called motherhood. I liked that view point and I am honored to be part of the club.
I wanted to give the "I love my dad" onesie to D on Father's Day but I just couldn't wait. Marta, Lori, any one else expecting, you can take this idea if you'd like.
how did you make those?
I found these cool iron-on's. So cheap and really easy. We should make some for Boston too.
What about Seth Alana?????? Holy cow! Now I am really telling him his Aunt Alana doesn't like him!!!!!!!
Please don't tell little Seth. I only said that because Annie asked how I made them. But seriously I should make the 'I love my dad' one for Seth and he could wear it on Father's day. How cute would that be?
OK OK. I won't tell him anything yet!!!! :) Love ya Lan
By the way..... they are SUPER cute.You will be such a good mom.
SO SO SO cute!! i love them. way to go alana! look how your motherly instincts are just blooming :)
Simply amazing! i didnt know you were so crafty!!! looks like alot of fun! by the time your shower comes around you wont need onsies! SLOW DOWN~ love you!! lets play soon!!
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